Enhance your Plant Repertory with guidelines for practical use from traditional herbal wisdom, with the perspective of Flower Essences – for safe, simple and effective help.
With expert practitioners Don Ollsin and Ruth Toledo Altschuler
Wednesday, August 30 @ 11am PDT / 2pm PM EDT
Somewhere within us we yearn for a closer and effective Reconnection with the living world around us.
Actively bringing healing plants as daily helpers is a simple way to cultivate an alliance that brings aliveness, as well as relief to a whole range of our daily discomforts, tension and stress.
Bring into your life time tested easy ways to help yourself and your loved ones with Healing Plants!
A 1 hour Webinar offering a connection with these 3 plants, with instructions on how to use them as herbs and as flower essences:
As Flower Essences, these plants meet basic needs for improving daily life conditions such as:
- Yearning to feel spaciousness, relax muscles
- Tension from over striving; transform a tendency to take on too much
- Argumentative dynamics and stress in communication
- Wanting to listen deeply and communicate in ways that heal
- Needing to be more open to receive help when it is offered
- Healthy courage and bravery, rather than intensity that drains heart forces

The simple herbal uses of these plants apply selectively to conditions such as:
- Tending and helping to heal inflammation
- Soothing skin irritation in ways that are safe for all ages
- Restoring and calming the skin
- Edible uses of flowers and leaves
- Tonic for sluggish liver
- Restoring the heart; preventive for physical upsets of a “broken heart”

Be Inspired and Enlivened by meeting these 3 Plant Archetypes
More than a “list of uses”, we will guide you into feeling the quality of each plant and its offerings.
Each plant species expresses a unique Archetype through its gestures as it grows and changes through the seasons. In this Workshop, you will be guided to observe and connect with these plants and their Archetypal Qualities, and naturally feel more integrated with the Living World.
In this Practical & Concise Workshop you will:
- Learn about specific herbs and flower essences that help each one of the above states
- Get full instructions on simple and practical ways of using them in your daily life
- Feel inspired and confident to bring herbs and flower essences into your life routine
- Feel empowered to use specific Flower Essences to help your own emotional states, as you deal with the stressful aspects of building your business
Wednesday, August 30 @ 11am PDT / 2pm PM EDT
Duration: 60 Minutes; Price: $20; Using Zoom Meetings
Learn with expert practitioners Don Ollsin and Ruth Altschuler
Master Herbalist, Don Ollsin is one of 250 herbalists registered with the American Herbalists Guild and one of only 20 professional members who offers mentoring services. Don has been studying, practicing and teaching herbalism for almost five decades. He is a pioneer in the field of herbal medicine and was honoured in 2015 as an Herbal Elder of Canada by the Canadian Council of Herbalist Associations.
Don’s innate love of learning comes across in his teachings. He provides students with the guidance they need on their journey as healers.As a mentor, his goal is not just to guide you through the motions; he will be responsible for your educational growth in various fields like Western Herbalism, Medicine Making, Herbal Gardening, Herbal Politics and Herbal Consulting complemented with Ayurveda, Dreambody and Shamanism. Mentoring, unlike coaching, is a deeper process that focuses on the growth of an individual not just in one area of life but in all areas of life.
Flower Essence Practitioner since 1990 with 3 decades of experience as an Educator, Ruth is also a photographer, translator and interpreter. Her courses are based on her unparalleled wealth of experience in this field, and great intimacy with the plants from which the essences are prepared. Ruth received her Professional Certification from Flower Essence Society (California) in 1993, and continues to deepen her studies with the original researchers and directly in the – laboratory school – of Nature.
Her teaching style is dynamic, comprehensive and richly illustrated with photos and research material, in a balanced combination of deep knowledge and good use of current technology.Born in Brazil, she currently lives with her husband in Northern California, where she offers online Flower Essence Therapy consultations and interactive web courses. She also works as a Flower Essence Therapy Mentor, through her programs and courses for individuals and groups.
Interactive Online Webinar using Video and Audio
August 30, 2017 at 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM PDT; 2:00 PM EDT
This Workshop welcomes, informs and inspires those who:
- Want to feel more closely aligned with Nature, Plants and the Living web of life
- Welcome orientation on simple tools to master day to day physical and emotional issues
- Know that we are more than our physical “parts”: we are connected to a multidimensional whole
The practice of Herbalism is embedded in all human cultures
The history of Herbalism is deeply embedded in the development of all human cultures. And the main practice of herbalism has been, and continues to be, a vernacular medicine of the people for the people.
From the hills of Wales to the villages of Greece, from the lodges of British Columbia to the cities of Persia, the ones who offer healing herbs are laypeople like you, often grandmothers and grandfathers who have always cared. These people often know more of nature and of life itself, when it comes to our day to day needs.
Don’s teachings, in this context, are focused on medicine for the people by the people — practical herbalism. Herbals were, and are, available for self-education and guidance and for safe self-medication.
Flower Essences were first developed in the UK in the 1930’s
Dr Edward Bach, creator of the Rescue Remedy or Five-Flower Formula, developed the first essences as we know them today. Simply prepared and inexpensive, flower essences are safe to use, as they do not contain plant material or physical active principles – they are subtle and effective Vibrational preparations.

What Flower Essences do contain is Evolutionary Information of the life force of plants: how a specific plant has learned to thrive, the evolutionary information of a healthy plant defining its path of continuity is what is registered in a Flower Essence, conveying its unique quality.
….”With so much of our lives online there is a deep longing for “realness” and authenticity. We have what seems like infinite option, and it’s a job in and of itself to figure out what we want. Then we need to find how to get there, and hope that the process accesses the deep aspects of experience our souls crave … it’s a tall order indeed.
Truly Don’s program met so much of my searching. The initial feeling when I jumped on the program was relief. The plants themselves can fully shine when the teaching, intention and framework is dynamic, honest, and engaged.
Authenticity and genuine connectivity catalyze real learning and by extension (hallelujah!) personal growth.
…. I’m grateful.Lauren Palsa RMT, RYT
Herbal Graduate 2017, Member of Herbal Mentorship Collective 2017
The experience of online meetings for deepening our understanding of Flower Essences offered by Ruth Toledo Altschuler is amazing! At the end of each meeting, multiple and strong sensations bring us back to an intimate and face-to-face contact with plants and nature, even though we are virtually connecting. In the same way, we feel a great quality of connection as a group.
This is my testimonial, and it also reflects what I feel in the eyes and expression of the faces of each participant at the end of the sessions.
Carolina Young – Meditation Teacher, Educator and Flower Essence Practitioner, Florianópolis, Brazil