What is the Akashic Field or what are the Akashic Records
Every manifestation in our Universe has come from, and will return to, a plane of information not perceived as part of our visible reality. This is a dimension where what has been, and the potential of what is to be, exists as pure information.

Ervin Lazlo, Hungarian philosopher of science, systems and integral theorist, has brilliantly described how everything that has happened, and the potential of what is to come, exists as information in the Akashic field. In his book The Reenchantment of the Cosmos and others books he has authored, he clearly conveys how science and spirituality can finally re-unite, based on the awareness of this field of information long known by ancient philosophers and mystics, and now identified by cutting edge science.
As we increasingly align ourselves to function as active co-creators in our world, receiving information from our Higher Guidance becomes an integral part of our day to day ways of operating. The fact that we have access to all these sources of information and guidance overlights my Essence Mentoring work and informs the different services that I, Ruth Toledo Altschuler, offer my clients and mentees.

When we yearn for the perspective of the Akashic Records
There are times in our Journey when we need perspective, clarity and/or a confirmation of our path. We yearn to be seen, guided and bathed in the Light of Acceptance, Love and Understanding.
In the Light of Higher Guidance, we feel “seen” in our pure essence and unconditionally loved.
Access to Higher Guidance and the Akashic Field information
A conscious and deliberate access to Higher Guidance and to the Akashic Records is very fitting and right for our times, and is possible for all of us. It comes as a result of the right kind of focus, coupled with alignment and discernment. It basically requires practices that help establish a connection, with a two way flow of information, of questions and answers, and of receiving blessings.
As we evolve in the awareness and full reconnection to our multidimensional reality, we can naturally improve our ability to partake of relevant information on our history, purpose and Soul potential.
Information from Higher Guidance: what is best for you
The best way of receiving information is through direct communication between you and your own Higher Guidance. This is always recommended and will always be the most reliable path. This said, there may be times when you feel there is a need for a “second perspective”, an overview that may be helpful, as you find your way through change or when you ARE navigating troubled times.
Supporting the Soul Journey is an activity some of us have embraced over lifetimes of service, as well as Guidance work in between lives. Trained practitioners offer Akashic Readings and serve as “translators” and / or “transmitters” of information, with the intent of conveying support and guidance from your Mentors, Teachers and loved ones on the other side of the veil.
For your direct access and for preparing for a reading with a practitioner, the most important thing is to know how to ask questions in ways that will provide information that you can effectively use for your development and evolution.
Guidelines for preparing your questions
Access to this plane is made with the intention of accessing information for guidance and clarification.
For best results, when preparing your questions keep in mind the following guidelines:
- Questions about “when” or “how much” will most often get answers that are not “materially” precise. The Keepers of the Records, Masters, Teachers and Loved ones inhabit a dimension beyond time and space. They offer guidance and encouragement and do not want to nurture our expectations.
- Questions on “how”, “what is the best way”, “what do I need to learn” or “how can I best deal with this issue” will bring forth answers that are clarifying, reassuring and useful.
- Issues that need healing receive a lot of support and clarification. Therefore, questions on “how can I best tend to this situation or issue” or “how can I transform this issue” often result in answers that are healing and transformative.
- Yes, you can ask questions about your relationships and people in your life, but you cannot enter the private space of another person. The Keepers of the Records will offer clarification in regard to your relations and situations, while respecting the privacy of others.
Concentration and safety during your direct Connection
Make sure you have a quiet space with enough privacy, no interruptions, all “devices” switched off, and a way of “cocooning” yourself in a comfortable spot.
This will be a time when it is advisable to disconnect from external stimuli and open yourself up to receive healing and blessings.
Healing and Integration
Many Akashic readings are elevating and deeply healing, therefore, it is best if you are able to meditate and prepare yourself before the session, and make sure you allow yourself extra time after the session, in order to integrate the energy and blessings.
Akashic Readings: the approach and training I received
In my work of 31 years supporting the Soul Journey of individuals over extended periods of time, seeing the Journey in perspective has always been an integral part of my service.
For personal (and professional) access to Higher Guidance, I have received intensive in depth training from the excellent Canadian Teacher Lori Wilson, who teaches excellent and very dynamic courses that help us become very proficient in connecting with Inner and Higher guidance.
The training I received with Lori led me to a practice of many years, that has helped me become very fluent in the process of “downloading” Higher Guidance for my own journey and life. I consider this activity a source of blessings, that never cease to uplift and inspire me.
In some (and very specific) instances, I am guided to offer Akashic readings as a separate service.
I recommend you experiement with the protocol developed by Linda Howe, author of the book “How to Read the Akashic Records”.
And I highly recommend the training on this particular method offered by Juliette Looye one of the authorized teachers of this approach, who is also co-author of the book.