Illuminating with Clarity and Compassion your Deep Integration and Inspired Soul Presence
Testimonials on the work of Ruth Toledo Altschuler
Ruth has been blessed in her life with a wonderful gift of working with the energy of flowers and nature. She is highly intuitive. She also has an ability to see within the different aspects of the body, the mind and the soul and work with integrating the inner child, with shadow and evolving that into our light. The work she offers is deep and transformational, yet subtle and gentle.
In my Flower Essence consults with Ruth, I have experienced a kind and motherly energy that I personally have missed in my life. Somehow, she knew from her deep sense of intuition that I needed that space. Her invitation allowed me to feel safe and she has given me space to be heard and seen so that I can evolve into what I truly envision for myself.
Working with her flower essence combinations has allowed me to transform on a day-to-day basis outside of energy clearing because the unique combinations that she chooses in her flower essences nurture my inner child and allow those needs to merge with the “adult” side of me.
I don’t care who you are or how evolved you are- there is no end to our healing here in our human bodies as we navigate this earthly plane.
We all need the space for healing, to be heard and be seen. I cannot say enough great things about Ruth and her healing work. Her healing work for me, has been evolutionary.
Thank you Ruth- you are a blessing to all that get to experience your magical gifts.
I have been working with Ruth since 2008: through Flower Essence Therapy she has been mentoring me on my journey, helping me understand myself and my path.
At first, she helped me see attitudes I held that were repetitively producing results that I did not like. Through our sessions and the essences, I became more aware and I began embodying new attitudes.
Gradually, my life became more aligned: I was blossoming, finding my space, my inner stillness and my joy in sharing who I am!
I went further in deepening my knowledge about myself and, soon enough, I was interacting with the world in a whole new way. New jobs came my way, as well as new friends and a whole range of fresh life opportunities.
After all these years, whenever I find myself confused, she is the first person I think of to guide me. She is not only extremely sensitive and well learned, but she knows flower essences deeply and has a surprising ability to see the synthesis of a situation. She sees what is important, the central point of focus, and she points to what needs to be looked at and worked on deeply.
Recently, I had an experience that totally stirred me emotionally; I was overtaken by it and felt very distressed. I made an appointment with her, and I got to see her that same day, a happy coincidence.
As a result of our conversation, even before I received the essences I overcame that state I was in and I was already seeing the situation in a much more mature way. I became aware of how I needed to not get entangled in situations that were beyond my control and I could not change. I was also able to own the experience of rare beauty I had created for myself and for my life.
Three days later the flower essences arrived and, since then, they have been my saving grace. But the anguish that was consuming me had already gone when our consultation ended! It was magical.
Tatiana Toffoli, Film Editor, Producer and Director.
São Paulo, Brazil
The work of Ruth Toledo Altschuler as a Flower Essence Practitioner and Educator has inspired me since 1997, when I first met her and chose to work with her as my Flower Essence Therapy practitioner.
In my heart, I had a strong desire to learn through her experience as a great healer. And so it was that through a whole decade, I opened myself to her care and I observed her precious and attuned perception while selecting essences, creating formulas that were as unique as they were powerful.
These encounters and formulas supported me through many life passages and transformation, mobilizing within me forces and restoration to a degree that I could not have known existed in my being, so dormant they were within my soul.
My being has flourished through learning with her and, I see in my own action and work as a Flower Essence Practitioner, her delicate presence inspiring me, while I create each flower essence formula with fine artistry, as an alive garden, vibrant and full of possibility of awakening balance and well being in those who reach for my care.
Thaís Acciolly, Flower Essence Practitioner, São Paulo, Brazil
I had a 1:1 flower essence session with Ruth and I want to share my experience and the benefits of working with her.
I have always appreciated plants and the healing powers they had not just in terms of flower essences but also essential Herbal tinctures etc.. I didn’t quite know what to expect from the session and I was literally blown away.
The the way Ruth held the space for me, made me feel so accepted, validated, seen and heard was tremendous. I could really just open up.
We had a very in-depth and broad conversation ranging from my childhood to now, through significant times in between. And I was really impressed by how skillfully Ruth navigated the conversation, asking questions where she thought was relevant and also giving me so much time and space to express myself. And I realized that was all for her to be able to design the most amazing tapestry of flower essences that she then blended and sent to me.
It was one of the most healing experiences I’ve had of one to one work, it has really been so helpful.
I am an entrepreneur, a life coach and a NLP practitioner. In my just over one year in business now, still in the early stages, whilst I’m naturally quite positive different kind of challenges that the entrepreneurs can face can sway me the other way a bit and I find the essences extremely supportive. They really bring the best aspects of me to the surface and they allow me to be sort of all of me, you know, in the best possible way and not having to hold back or not having that internal conflict that I experienced before.
So I noticed a really remarkable change after the session with Ruth, even before receiving the remedies. But since the remedies have arrived an even much much deeper effect. I noticed more energy, I noticed that I’m just more calm, I’m more more balanced more sort of even. It’s very profound. And I learned something about myself as well: that I am a sensitive individual, but the the the great thing about it is that I respond so well to the subtle energies of the plant remedies.
Thank you so much Ruth, I am so truly grateful. And anyone that’s watching this I can’t praise Ruth enough and I really really highly recommend her, if you need of any kind of emotional support. She’s really a wonderful practitioner. Thank you Ruth!
Mojca Henigman, Purpose coach and NLP Practitioner.
London, UK
You will always meet the great teachers and masters when you’re ready to learn the lessons they have to teach you. In my case, as far as my experience with Ruth goes, this lesson was mainly the acceptance, and then the celebration of who I am. With all my contradictions, strenghts, challenges, the beauty of being unique, and still part of a whole.
When I started seeing Ruth my perception of self was blurry, defined by other people’s values and expectations which I first tried to mirror and meet, and then rebelled against. I was ashamed of what I perceived to be my shortcomings, and what I perceived to be my strenghts were qualities attributed to me, but which were not who I was.
Flower Essence Therapy helped me recognise the difference between what is me and what isn’t, acknowledge and be grateful for learned behaviours and attitudes which were not mine, but which had served a purpose, and finally help me find what lay hidden behind years of pretending to be nice, pretending I wasn’t hurt or angry or afraid. And without Ruth’s empathy, endless love for what she does and for others, unparalleled knowledge of the flower essences and profound wisdom my journey would’ve been so much longer and harder, not to mention lonely.
Ruth is still with me despite the geographical distance, supporting me in my continous journey towards enlightenment. I feel there’s still a long way to go, but with Ruth’s help I now enjoy treading the path, and life is finally good.
This is what Flower Essence Therapy can do for you.
Eliane Higa
Educator, Freedom of Information/Data Protection Officer
Inverness, Scotland
When I first worked with Ruth, it was very clear that she has an extraordinary ability to sort through my complexities, getting to the essence of what was going on with me, to support me with exactly what I needed to take myself to the next level.
The flower essences that she organized for me contained over (20?) essences in it, and when she broke it down for me, it was amazing how precisely she was able to organize these essences into a formula that really resonated with me, where I was, and where I was heading.
Ruth’s flower essence mentoring has been invaluable to me in my healing and personal evolutionary journey. I started working with her soon after the death of my mother; her kind presence, wise words and precise formulas have been supportive as I work through my grief.
In each session Ruth helps me see my progress, and designs a formula for my next steps. Her expertise and deep knowledge of the flowers, combined with her wisdom and compassion, create the potential for deep level healing. I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with her, and highly recommend her services.
Throughout this last year, I have been experiencing the influence of flower essences in my life. I am oftentimes struck by their positive effects on my emotions, and by their impact on enhancing my physical well being and vital energy.
Throughout this treatment, Ruth’s approach is caring, essentially helping me find, within myself, the capacity for healing. In each consultation, she puts into action all her sensitivity and rich life experience and compassion, looking at who is facing her as a whole being, full of potential; the power of this encounter is in itself a source of renewal.
It is very good to hear Ruth’s observations, as she gently punctuates my movement, free of generalizations or rigidity. As if fine tuning an instrument, she brings up subtle issues to a conscious and objective level.
Having flower essences as companions for my journey, offered by this experienced practitioner, has helped me build more trust, joy and lightness. More awareness of my deepest life purpose, and clarity on what can be the most favorable ways for manifestation of my own path.
Liliane Orragio, Journalist, Writer and Author.
São Paulo, Brazil
Ruth has a deep passion and gift for healing with flower essences. In my consult with Ruth, she was able to go deep and create a sacred and transformative space. The essences are helping me positively transform amidst a big transition in my life and the insights from our consult have stayed with me. I am deeply appreciative of her wisdom and vast knowledge of flower essences.
Terra Christoff, Ph.D – Soul Purpose Coach for Women
All of my encounters with Ruth were special and remarkable, on what concerns comprehensiveness and depth.
In addition to welcoming us with great love – which we all yearn so much for, especially at critical moments – Ruth leads us to places of great awareness regarding our deepest challenges.
It is wonderful to see how the processes of self-healing are triggered from there … for they generate their own motions and new opportunities in our lives, which go far beyond what we could suppose and expect, by analyzing only the conversations we have.
They are certainly potentialized by the use of the flower essences: the “magic garden of healing” that Ruth knows and presents to us like no one else.
All done with a lot of depth, affection and commitment.
Rewarding experience.
Carolina Young
Meditation, Blessed Nutrition Educator, Flower Essence Practitioner, Florianópolis, Brazil
When I first met Ruth Toledo Altschuler in the early 1990s, Flower Essence Therapy was in its early stages in Brazil – and Ruth emerged as a pioneer in this field.
I had the joy and fortune to accompany and enjoy the work that was beautifully offered by her, initially through Essencias Florais, a company she cofounded that imported essences into Brazil.
This was a period of great dissemination of this therapy and Ruth, with her deep knowledge, brought this work forth through the distribution of essences, coupled with promoting courses, bringing foreign researchers and offering many lectures.
When it came to fulfilling the need for English-speaking translation, she stepped up to the task with great success, with her accurate and sensitive translation. Her profound knowledge of flower essences, her sensitivity and delicacy and her knowledge of the English language, made her the preferred translator for events on this modality.
Ruth is a reference in Brazil in all aspects of Flower Essence Therapy: she is a professional that combines competence, with a deep and sensitive perception of the human soul. I, in particular, have great affection and admiration for her, for all her dedication and delicate vision, which always leads us to want to get in touch with the most beautiful and deepest in ourselves.
Lizete de Paula – Conaflor Honorary President, Flower Essence Practioner – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
I have been a flower essence practitioner since 1990, and have participated actively in Rio de Janeiro, where I owned a flower essence distribution company, offering and promoting courses and conferences. Since 2004, I have participated in the organization and training of flower essence practitioners, as well as in associations and in a national Council of Flower Essence Therapy, the Conaflor, of which I am currently honorary president.
And I am very pleased to testify and bear witness to the importance of Ruth Toledo Altschuler for Flower Essence Therapy as a pioneer, recognized by all who practice this therapy in Brazil. Competent, dedicated, loving, I wish her full success in her new endeavors and in the new territory of online work.
Lizete de Paula
Conaflor Honorary President, Educator of Practitioners
Flower Essence Practitioner
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil