Flowering plants as a major evolutionary leap
In his inspired book, “The Immense Journey“, natural science writer Loren Eiseley, in the chapter called “How Flowers Changed the World” says:
…”If it had been possible to observe the Earth from the far side of the solar system over the long course of geological epochs, the watchers might have been able to discern a subtle change in the light emanating from our planet.
… as the millennia rolled away and age followed age, a new and greener light would, by degrees, have come to twinkle across those endless miles.
… Somewhere, just a short time before the close of the Age of Reptiles, there occurred a soundless, violent explosion. It lasted millions of years, but it was an explosion, nevertheless. It marked the emergence of the angiosperms — the flowering plants. …
… Flowers changed the face of the planet. Without them, the world we know — even man himself — would never have existed. “..

As Flowers came into existence, the evolution of plants accelerated into extraordinary levels of adaptability, plasticity and interactive integration with their environment and other living beings. Flowering plants have been evolving on earth for the last 130 million years, and whole living ecosystems have learned to adapt, change and recreate themselves through the most challenging conditions and planetary shifts.
We exist because of flowering plants; they are part of our ancestry
Our survival in this planet is possible due to the diversity of Flowering plants that cover large expanses of the Earth, producing oxygen and food for many living beings.
Plants are part of our ancestry, our lives are interrelated and intertwined. Being our elders, they are also our teachers: flowers and plants generously share with us their wisdom and inspiration.
Plant wisdom can be transferred to us as living information
Researchers who have dedicated their lives to the study of the Archetypal signature of plants, observing how they evolve in their native environments and how they adapt to changing seasons and circumstances, have collected a range of precious teachings imparted by each plant family and by each unique plant species.
We can meditate and listen to these plants, we can learn from their Archetypal patterns, we can experience deep journeys in which these plants inform and help us transform pain into healed wisdom. And we can also receive this wisdom and information by using their !

When the light of the Sun shines on the beauty of fresh flowers layered on a bowl of spring water, Higher harmonic patterns of clear organizing life force are imprinted in the water for our healing and wellness.
While healing rituals with water and flowers go back to ancient times, since the 1930’s, through Dr Edward Bach, we started the use of these healing flower remedies, also called Flower Essences.
Flower Essences help us transmute emotions and habits
In connecting with the precise ones that you need and are balm for your heart and wounds, old patterns are transformed into their version of wholeness and your best qualities are nurtured.
Through Flower Essences, you receive Evolutionary wisdom as patterns of life force (information) infused in water.
The accuracy of these unique patterns of life force support adaptation to change, the healing transmutation of emotional wounds, release of outdated patterns and the creation of new and healthy habits.