Support and comfort when facing trying circumstances
When going through trying circumstances, either chosen or something beyond their control, clients who come to me may also be receiving additional help from a coach, therapist, body worker and friends. Flower essence therapy provides them with additional, parallel support.
They are living through significant challenges, they need comfort, someone who understands the emotional depths of what they are experiencing and can help bring some relief. As difficult as it is to bear, they can receive extra gentle healing, precisely chosen, that brings comfort and guidance.
Soul Trials, Major Loss, Shattering Emotional Experiences
- loss of a loved one, recent or not (in the extreme, the loss of a child)
- miscarriage, trauma while trying to conceive, loss of a cherished dream
- loss of a relationship, even after some time; persisent emotional pain, still grieving
- processing emotions after divorce or family trauma; custody battle
- loss of a job, a position in the community, a role involving strong identification
- frustrated expectation of a job promotion, being fired
- loss of a home, moving, relocation, drastic change in community
- parallel support when experiencing trauma in family relationships; need for healing, restoring healthy boundaries
- support after shock or trauma, major upset, provided all physical and professional help needed is also being given by qualified professionals
- emotional healing support when recovering from an accident, robbery, assault

Why I am good at helping individuals facing major Soul Trials?
First of all, I see (and mirror back to them) the Soul Fortitude that exists within them. I help them tap into it, I help them feel that despite the enormity of the challenges, they can feel held, supported and comforted by forces beyond themselves. At times (this is rare, but has happened) I can even feel the presence of loved ones recently passed. It is quite vivid, and they feel it too. These are touching moments of awe, when we really know the dimension beyond the physical is very real.
Secondly, I listen with acute attention to my client’s most subtle emotions and feelings. From this comprehensive listening, I am able to perceive the unique needs each person has, and what deeper layers are affected by the experience, selecting very precise Flower Essences to come in support at each stage, as they move more fluently through their trials, into the next subsequent phases.
Schedule a consultation for yourself or gift one to a friend in need.

While big change is happening, new life is also nurtured, creating positive support for what is emerging in one’s life
While very precise support is offered for the actual life changes that are happening, an Essence Mentoring consultation meets the Soul considering its overall Journey, honoring the new cycle that is starting, even when transition requires major letting go of the previous configurations of one’s life.
Ruth’s flower essence mentoring has been invaluable to me in my healing and personal evolutionary journey. I started working with her soon after the death of my mother; her kind presence, wise words and precise formulas have been supportive as I work through my grief. In each session Ruth helps me see my progress, and designs a formula for my next steps. Her expertise and deep knowledge of the flowers, combined with her wisdom and compassion, create the potential for deep level healing. I am grateful to have the opportunity to work with her, and highly recommend her services.
Kathleen Aspenns – Wellness Practitioner – California, USA
Ruth has a deep passion and gift for healing with flower essences. In my consult with Ruth, she was able to go deep and create a sacred and transformative space. The essences are helping me positively transform amidst a big transition in my life and the insights from our consult have stayed with me. I am deeply appreciative of her wisdom and vast knowledge of flower essences.
Terra Christoff, Ph.D – Soul Purpose Coach for Women