Here is the Original Text of the letter above:
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Ruth Toledo Altschuler as an official teacher for the Flower Essence Society (FES) Practitioner Training and Certification Program.
It has been our great honor to collaborate with Ruth for over three decades in the worldwide development of flower essence therapy. We consider her to be one of our most esteemed colleagues in this work. In 1991, Ruth attended our Practitioner Training Program at Terra Flora, in Nevada City, California and then completed the FES Certification Program with exceptional mastery. Since then, Ruth has creatively and deeply engaged with FES in countless ways: attending numerous courses, contributing to our research and developing reports for our FES International Journal. She has continually brought remarkable understanding for the flower essences and how their distinct qualities guide the soul healing process with each client. Her grasp of our teachings is so intricate and precise that she has also served as the most outstanding translator for our words into the Portuguese language, with an ability to understand both intellectual concepts and deeper soul meaning simultaneously.
Ruth’s devotion and talent for healing, teaching and networking is especially remarkable in her native country of Brazil. Through her pioneering seed-impulses, a vibrant professional community of flower essence therapists and teachers has developed in Brazil. Emerging as one of the first countries in the world to do so, the Brazilian National Health Register, in partnership with various University training programs, now officially recognizes flower essence therapy as a healing modality, alongside other health approaches.
After her marriage to Stephen Altschuler, and re-locating to the United States, Ruth has continued to develop her unique. creative vision for flower essence therapy and its healing mission in the world. Her innovative on-line teaching programs instill awareness for the living archetypes of the flowers and how the human soul can fruitfully evolve through these profound messages of the flowers.
In essence, Ruth shines as a Powerful and Profound Soul Voice for our flower essence research; keenly perceptive, masterfully wise and warmly compassionate. We feel deeply thankful that through her programs, the beauty, truth and healing purpose of the FES flowers and Dr. Bach’s original flowers can continue to shine their goodness into the world.
With our warmest good wishes,
Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz Directors of the Flower Essence Society