Do you have a friend or relative who relocated to the US, Canada or Europe, that needs the emotional comfort of being heard by someone who can fully understand their emotional experience? With the added benefit of the gentle and catalyzing support of Flower Essences?
If you do, or if that is you, here is a path for healing support.

Flower Essences for transitions and change
Even when we believe we are ready, transitions and change challenge us in unexpected ways. In times like this, we often don’t ask for support because we think have to cope on our own.
We may not think that we can receive support and be truly heard, and we may not consider the gentle support from nature available through Flower Essence Therapy.
Changes that are supported by Flower Essence Therapy can be good ones too, like the adaptation to a new relationship or the coming of a child. A new position or job, adjustment to a different culture or adaptation to a different lifestyle are also supported.
As we go through loss, empty nest, the loss of a loved one, healing support can provide great comfort and relief.

Offering Sessions for Brazilians and other expatriates living abroad in many countries
When a person speaks their mother tongue, a direct connection establishes between heart, brain and tongue.
Mother Tongue: The Language of Heart and Mind by Hurisa Guvercin
This is certainly one of the reasons I often get referrals to work with clients who are Brazilians living in the US and Europe. Friends who care for them know I will be able to hear them, and help them in deep levels.
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart
Nelson Mandela
And they know they will get the emotional support they need, with the ease of expressing their feelings in their mother language.
For all my clients, wherever they are, I am equipped to work with them through Video calls and ship the prepared essences to their homes.
I have lived between Cultures from early on
From the many times I had to live through huge changes (both physical, like relocation, or emotional, like separation), I know what it takes to cope and to adjust.
Based on what I searched and learned to help myself, I became skilled at supporting others who are challenged by transition and changes in their lives.
My parents told me I was given the name Ruth because when I was born they knew I would travel a lot, and needed a name that was short, and written the same in many languages. It so happened that I got to be raised bilingual: I was born in Brazil but I first learned to read and write in English (while living in London).
Ever since I was 7, most of my book reading has been in English. I have been raised to be a citizen of the world, having relocated many times.
I have experienced the gifts and trials of living between cultures. Nineteen years ago, I met my husband Stephen, and, since then, my full daily life has been in English while my son and daughter, as well as my friends and clients live in different places around the world (many of them in Brazil).
I know how it feels to live away from some of your closest people, and I have found ways to feel they are always with me, even when physically distant.
Translating Soul needs into Essence Formulas
In many different levels, I am a translator. And one of the areas in which I apply my translation with utmost expertise is in converting emotional needs into Flower Essence Combinations to support the unique needs of my clients.
You will be heard, and your very personal needs will be addressed and supported.
Relocation and Change are challenges for the Soul
As Souls, we don’t really belong to a country, and we often resist adjusting to being here on Earth and in our bodies, let alone the cultures and the world in which we live!
Adaptation is an ongoing process and some individuals are more sensitive than others. Many Souls experience the adaptation to life on Earth and human social environments as a major challenge.
Plant intelligence can help us move through change
Plants have been adapting and going through a magnificent journey of change and adaptation on this Earth, and they have a lot to teach us. This is why Nature’s support, offered by flower essences, is truly healing for our Soul, helping us find integration and flow in the lives we are given, while maintaining our unique Soul Identity. Remembering who we are, while learning to live in this world.