Many of my clients shared with me how much they yearned to have more clarity about their Purpose. It so happened that, just around the same time, I was offered the opportunity of becoming a True Purpose Coach. I felt drawn to this approach and its results, and joyfully went through the training. Since then, I have been offering this journey to my clients, and here, I invite you to learn more about this process.
Do you yearn for clarity on your Soul Purpose?
Do you believe you have a Soul Purpose and you want to know more about it? Do you feel this is a time in your life when this clarity will be welcome?
The True Purpose™ Coaching process comprises unique elements and steps, all leading to a direct connection with your own Trusted Higher Guidance, with the intention of listening, clarifying and articulating your Life Purpose.
This is a structured and enriching journey developed by Tim Kelley and the True Purpose™ Institute team, for which I have been trained and have been granted the honor of offering the full process, with its well developed materials.
Can you ask your Higher Guidance to hear about your Purpose?
Many individuals doubt their ability to listen to their Higher Guidance. To help our opening to this process, Tim Kelley and the True Purpose™ Institute team developed a series of unique preliminary steps, designed to help us transpose blockages and clear the connection, so we can directly listen to our Purpose. The methods you will learn here will become valuable tools to be used throughout your life, as you cultivate and maintain a direct dialogue with your own Trusted Guidance.
Inquiring and Listening to your Trusted Guidance
Once the path is open, you will be initiated on a journey of inquiring and listening. The authenticity of the information you receive will be validated by sound criteria, and, if needed, you will be instructed on deeper techniques to facilitate the opening and clearing of your direct connection with your Trusted Guidance.
Once the flow of information (coming directly from your Trusted Guidance) is established, you will be amazed at how blessed you will feel from hearing about your Purpose that will take the form of Essence, Blessing, Mission and Message.
Your Purpose Statements – touchstones for reconnection
From this material, heard directly from your Trusted Guidance, we will craft your very own Purpose Statements. These statements are yours and don’t need to be shared: they are touchstones that re-enliven you reconnection with your Purpose.
Experiencing the True Purpose Coaching process enabled me to have greater clarity, definition, and a sense of trust in relation to my purpose. Many aspects have been understood on a deeper level and have taken on new meaning.
Moreover, being able to count on Ruth’s loving guidance, with her ability to understand the Language of our Soul, made all the difference”
Maria Gorete Tavares
Clinical Psychologist and Flower Essence Practitioner
Uberlândia, MG, Brazil
Your Manifestation Plan: the last step of this Process
You will complete the True Purpose™ Process with a Manifestation Plan, one that helps you ground your Purpose in your daily life and stay true to the blessed connection that has been established.
The path through the True Purpose™ coaching process was a reenergizing one for me. Not only because of the interaction with you, Ruth, which for me is precious, but for how I reestablished a reliable channel of connection with my Trusted Guidance.
I experienced a revitalization of my professional activity as a result of this reconnection with my inner source, one that was comprehensive and deep, infusing me with lightness, confidence and happiness. It is as if a “click-in-place“ happened: everything adjusted into its proper place! I also have the perception that every cell of my physical body, and of the other levels of my being went through a cleansing, allowing a realignment with a feeling of fulfillment that I had never felt before.
The access to inspirational sources, in a more structured and regular way, is permeating what I do with new energies. This is evident in the new partnerships established in both the professional and personal spheres, bringing material and spiritual abundance through transformative and nurturing relationships.
Zilda Andrade
Business Coach, Consultant and Mentor, Biography Counselor
São Paulo, Brazil
A Program for Change Agents: are you one of them?
What called me to this path to begin with was the wording they used in their materials: they were calling Change Agents to connect more fully with their Purpose and share their service in the world, enlivened by this clarity. This really spoke to me.
I knew I was being summoned to go further into this.
The True Purpose™ Coaching Process is fun, deep and enlivening
After going through this process myself during other programs I participated offered by Tim Kelley and others from the True Purpose™ Institute, I felt called to take the training. I felt confident that it would soon pay for itself, and sure enough, it did!
I was surprised at my willingness to enroll, as I don’t often like applying structured methods created by others, but there is something about this method and its application that has really felt very appropriate and empowering for the clients I work with.
The True Purpose™ Coaching Process is fun, deep, enlivening and well structured. I love offering it, and know that it can be a real blessing for the life of those who feel called to go through it. I suggest you ask your Trusted Guidance if this is for you.
I invite you for a free 30 minute Informative Session:
I, Ruth Toledo Altschuler, will be happy to have a talk with you, explaining all of this in more detail. Contact me for a preliminary and complimentary conversation.