Essence Circles are Group Programs advancing the awareness and study of Plant Archetypes and the practice and application of Flower Essence Therapy.
Open Circles are our Free Monthly events. Deepening Circles and Mentoring Circles are Programs focused on the Professional Development of those who practice Flower Essence Therapy and the precise application of Flower Essences.
Essence Circles are offerings that spring from Ruth Toledo Altschuler‘s three decades of experience as a respected Educator, Mentor and highly qualified, Certified Flower Essence Practitioner.
Essence Circles are interactive group programs
Open Circles – Free Monthly events open to anyone who feels the calling.
Mentoring Circles – Structured Gatherings for Flower Essence Practitioners
Deepening Circles – In Depth Study Programs in Modules
This video allows you to get to know me a little more, and connect with my approach:
Open Circles – All Plant and Nature lovers are welcome to our FREE online interactive monthly gatherings. Join us to be inspired and enlivened!
Join us to experience the healing and teachings offered by the featured Plant Archetype, as we gather to attune to that field of healing energy.
Immersed in these co-created fields of sanity, we tend to our feelings and wellness. We conclude our gatherings offering healing out to the collective.
Open Circles are always FREE and open to anyone who feels the calling.
The experiences offered by Ruth Toledo Altschuler of online meetings for the deepening of our connection with flower essences are amazing!
At the end of each meeting, the multiple and strong feelings and sensations bring us to an intimate contact with the plants and nature, even though we are virtually connecting; and, in the same way, we feel this strong connection amongst the group members.
This is my testimonial, and that is what I see in the eyes and expression of each participant at the end of the sessions!
Carolina Young, Educator, Meditation Teacher and Flower Essence Practitioner. Florianópolis, Brazil

Mentoring Circles – Read this page and register to one of our Mentoring Circles for those who want to advance their work, and find within themselves the design and definition of their unique audience and offerings. You will receive support that is both practical and inspirational, to take your practice and services to the next level and out into the world.
Overlighting Purpose that unites our offerings:
- Building Community amongst those who are called to be of service in ways that unite and heal, and who are inspired by the study of Plant Archetypes
- Advancing our own personal fine tuned connection with the Intelligence of Plants and Flowers
- Advancing and deepening our own personal healing and alignment with Nature and Spirit
- Collectively and Individually, offering healing that ripples through space and time, raising the consciousness of unity
Deepening Circles – for those who study and or work with flower essences, these workshops meet people at different levels. Modules are created responding to your needs for study and discussion on specific themes.
Deepening circles include guided healing journeys for us to deepen our work on ourselves, as well as information supporting the work we offer to others. We always conclude our live gatherings by emanating healing out to the world.
As a participant of Ruth’s online courses, even 23 years after taking my first FES California Flower Essences course also led by Ruth, I still feel the same enchantment with the flowers and their essences and experience the same freshness and inspiration coming from Ruth as a teacher.
Through these courses, my use of the flower essences is renewed, as the perspective and focus that Ruth brings are of great depth, while the media rich content shared through the internet provides a form of contact with the flowers that is incredibly strong.
This is a valuable experience: the images, the sound, the quality of the content, the depth of the proposed experiences, the delicacy in listening, everything is absolutely well placed, with great zeal and care.
Isabela Bisconcini, Jungian Psychologist, Flower Essence Practitioner and Educator. São Paulo, Brazil

Experienced Mentor and Founding Elder
A Certified Flower Essence Practitioner by the Flower Essence Society since 1993, Ruth has studied extensively, often where the plants grow wild, with the original researchers of the most well established flower essence lines.
In her three decades of practice offering sequential Flower Essence Therapy, Ruth has had the privilege of bearing witness to the evolutionary journey of hundreds of individuals. Her ongoing practice of 29 years, combined with the scope of her in-depth study of flower essence plants with their original researchers has given her a unique perspective and experience that is unequaled in this field.
For 22 years Ruth Toledo Altschuler has dedicated her heart and soul to the development of Flower Essence Therapy as a respected and well known healing modality in Brazil. There, she is honored as one of the Founding Elders of this modality, now present in University advanced programs and Public Health offerings, as well as serving people of all ages throughout the country, from North to South.
Ruth has been a speaker at Flower Essences international conferences and events, as well as a pioneer in introducing Basic and Advanced Education on Flower Essence Therapy in Brazil. Over a period of 26 years, she has also been a translator of books and courses, converting to Portuguese some of the most inspired advanced courses given by leading edge teachers, both in Brazil as well as at the source locations of their research.
It is from this combination of knowledge and applied experience that Ruth now shares her legacy through her Essence Circles offerings.
An array of programs to meet your interests and needs:
- Nature lovers, essence lovers, plant lovers around the world, are all welcome to our free, monthly Open Circles online gatherings using Zoom Meetings video technology
- Those interested in studying this healing approach, Flower Essence Practitioners around the world who want to deepen their studies while building community, will enjoy our ever evolving Deepening Circles
- Flower Essence Practitioners who want to articulate their offerings, define who they can help the most and put their work out will enjoy our Mentoring offering, both individual as well as the Mentoring Circles