Stored emotional pain, emotional scars, block the flow of Life. What stays “incrusted” in our emotional bodies, holds us back from resonating with the full vibrancy of life.
By unraveling these core layers, you can fully embrace and transmute deeply rooted patterns of emotional pain and trauma. Once discharged, the learning stays, but the hurt dissolves and is gone!
Painful emotions, ingrained relationship patterns, outdated self image and beliefs may be clouding your life and joy.
Plant Archetypes support the action of embracing stored emotions. They gently show us ways to come to terms with what happened, releasing stored emotional trauma and pain. They teach us how to move lighter on our journey, connecting more fully with the present and with the web of life!

Patterns you may have been working with:
- the habit of much giving and less receiving
- deeply held patterns of stress and tension
- self blame, guilt, perfectionism, a self image needing renewal
- ancient feelings of isolation, of not belonging
- emotional neediness, anxiety in relationships
- insecurity, disconnection from your own gifts
You have worked on these and sense there are layers you are still unraveling, to establish a sense of completion? If some of that is true for you, this guided mentoring process can further your already advanced healing journey. You CAN experience what lies beyond!
What you ardently yearn for is not happening
Even thou you have already done SO MUCH inner and outer work…
By going deep, informed by Nature’s Wisdom and Higher Guidance, you are shown underlying patterns and you receive tools for a gradual, step by step path to experiencing the greater shift. This process supports your homework to effectively bring renewed Manifestation!
Do you still feel needy and longing?
It is painful to feel needy, carrying a yearning in our hearts: many suffer with this for decades. But the truth is, you CAN experience fulfillment as a result of inner work and healing spiritual practices!

You can find the access within to wounds that can only be transformed through your own direct reach into these inner places. Your direct access taking Love within, allows you to receive warmth from the embrace of Higher Love and the support from Mother Earth. For this, the beautiful journey with the Archetypes of flowers is profoundly transformative and alchemical.
For times of despondency, low energy: Reigniting your Inner Flame
There are times when it does seem like our “flame” has almost died out and the trust and joy of living is gone. Precisely chosen essences help uncover and transmute what is blocking you, rekindling motivation, joy of living and inspiration.
Flowing through change, loss, death and rebirth
Loss of a relationship, loss of a dear loved one, needed changes in your marriage or other relationships, childbirth, empty nest, divorce, career and vocational changes: receive support in the process of adjusting to passages, into the new phase of your Life or Afterlife!

Cultivating inner Silence and Peace
Along with your Practices, Flower Essences help you cultivate an internal space of quiet and of listening, with less self criticism and repetitive thoughts. With their support, you can practice with increased inner peace and ease. They offer support for simple contentment in day to day life.
Trust in the unfoldment of Life; a gradual Freedom from Anxiety
It is hard to be human and, the truth is, it is excruciatingly difficult to trust in the unfoldment of Life, specially when you have felt so tense due to periods of emotional and / or physical hardship.
Mentoring on the level of the Soul, added to your practices and the gentle support of the essences, can help you clear old fears and programming deep within, so you gradually find yourself embodying new attitudes and a new level of trust!