Flower Essence Therapy supports a healthy emotional life, while nurturing a truly Soulful life! It helps us face challenges, build qualities, change patterns.
It also helps us improve mental attitudes, spiritual connection and overall alignment; it improves our connection with our bodies and with the body of the Earth.
On a deeper level, Flower Essence Therapy supports Soul Evolution through the many stages of embodied human life from conception, birth, all the way to the very end, when the soul eventually leaves the body, transitioning to other dimensions.

Its flower essence helps us connect and be strongly aligned with our Essential Soul Star
Based on listening to one’s unique needs and matching them to flower energy remedies, Flower Essence Therapy helps us feel more clear, aligned and vibrant.
Flower Essence Therapy embraces Soulful living on all levels:
- A more balanced and vibrant emotional life
- Clarity on emotions and mental habits
- Feeling focused, clear, inspired, productive
- Feeling more confident to share your gifts with the world
- Support through loss, transformation, grieving, preparing to die
- Support through life changes and transitions
- Developing resilience, letting go and starting over
- Preparing for conception, birth and receiving new life
Fully Listening to your stories and unique needs
In each Flower Essence Therapy consultation I listen fully and deeply to you and your needs. I want to hear the stories of what is happening in your life. I want to know how your life began and how things got you to where you are now. And I want to know where you want to be!
Our session helps position and clarify this step of your Journey in the bigger picture of your Soul path. An essence combination is created to support changes you want to make, build qualities you desire and enhance the liberation you want to achieve.

The Frequency and Perspective of Flower Essence Therapy
We meet once every two to three months, and, each time, the session clarifies where you are in your own journey. It also places you in perspective, on where your individual Soul Journey fits into the bigger motions of our collective evolution. You see yourself fulfilling your piece in the larger evolutionary process.
Meeting in Sacred Space where Soul is heard
A Sacred Space is created that is like an oracle, one in which we are informed by your Soul’s needs and by Plant and Flower Archetypes. As we enter this inter dimensional space, we transpass the scope of pure personality, and we are humbly guided by Nature Intelligences and by our Higher Guidance.
Under this light, through the Archetypes of the Flowers and their healing gifts, much is revealed in ways that are simple and clarifying.
You already feel changes, further enhanced by taking the essences
Inspired by the messages of the essences, patterns of evolutionary movement are revealed, clarifying what your Soul is asking for at this time.
With your essence formula coalesced and described, you feel increased confidence that you will be counting on special help to face the challenges ahead and seize the opportunities presented, giving the best of yourself.
At the end of our session you already feel a change, your innermost essence enlivened, with you standing in a place of Soulfulness.
As you take your essences, you gradually embody further changes
In the following weeks, taking your essence combination will regularly support you in the gradual integration of the states you want to embody and the flourishing and fruition of the desires qualities. This is always a process that evolves in stages, and continuity is what helps deeper integration and transformation.
Flower Essence Therapy in its unique approach
Therapeia, from the Greek means serving, offering care, caring as service.
You are seen as a multidimensional being
You are seen as a Soul that, for this incarnation, is equipped with body, mind and emotions, as well as a variety of resources to realize your Soul Purpose.
This includes becoming more integrated and whole, with an enlivened interconnection with this physical dimension and the spiritual dimension.
All dimensions of your being are considered and addressed, while the interconnection between the many dimensions of yourself is specially enlivened by the continuity of use of precisely chosen essences.
Witnessing the longer journey, clarifying and encouraging
The Flower Essence Practitioner bears witness to your determination to thread your unique path, clarifying the evolutionary opportunities offered and the stages conquered. In our meetings spaced in time, it is our privilege to bear witnesses to your longer Journey, and mirror back to you your Evolution seen in perspective.
Integration, Evolution, Re-Connection
Through time, way beyond circumstantial support, Flower Essence Therapy supports profound alchemical transformation and deep, comprehensive integration.
We can call it Therapy of Re-Connection, Re-Membering (and from Latin Religare, the original word for Religion)