Your custom blend of essences comes in the form of a solution 70% of water, 30% brandy (traditionally the chosen preservative), and the added drops of the chosen essences. This comprises the content of your custom blend solution.
Four drops, four times a day
This solution can be ingested by dropping 4 drops in your mouth, or under the tongue, at least 4 times a day, avoiding direct contact of the dropper with the mouth to grant the higiene and preserve the freshness of the solution.
Alternatively, you can also put the drops in a glass with a little water (or tea) and take them in this diluted form.
Four drops, four times a day, is the traditional recommendation for using Flower Essences since the time of Dr Edward Bach who, in the 1930’s, created this unique form of preparation. This is the basic guideline.
Flower Essences are safe for frequent and long term use
These delicate infusions contain information and yet, no physical active principle.
Being mostly life force information (diluted in water and brandy), they do not interfere with physical treatments and can be used by children, by women during pregnancy and by people going through emergency situations and / or intensive physical treatments.
You may feel moved to take your essences up to six, seven or more times a day. And, on certain occasions, with a specific purpose, even every 15 minutes.
Flower Essences can be companions on your processes of change and evolution, and they are safe to be used on a long term basis.
Frequency, not quantity, is what makes the difference
There is no need to take more than four drops each time, as this will not change your exposure to the input of information provided by the essences. The repeated use, however, will encourage a more dynamic process.
Alternatively, you may choose to add the same 4 drops to some water or tea. It is your choice, and the essences will work either way.
The bottles of essences you received contain the same combination
In my practice, as part of my client’s consultation I prepare (and ship) a few bottles of the same blend of essences chosen for the client. If you are reading this page to know how to proceed, unless otherwise stated the essence bottles you received all contain the same combination.
It is fine to take your essences more frequently than the basic 4 drops, 4 times a day, so feel free to follow your intuition.
Remember these key times: before sleep and when waking up
Taking them before going to sleep and when waking up is one of the best practices. These are considered important “threshold” moments, when multiple dimensions of our beings are “accessible” or receptive to a greater resonance with the essences.
It is good to create certain habits and a regular rhythm when using your Flower Essences. In this way, you establish a connection with the process.
Listen to feelings, dreams and to what happens in your life
Create a journal, or use one you already have, to make notes on your experience throughout the weeks you will be taking your essences. Notice subtle or less subtle changes, and try to register them, as this, and other deepening practices, do help you to incorporate the changes enhanced by flower essences. All of this is important to your growing awareness and deeper healing of patterns and issues and is worthy material for your follow up sessions.

You will receive new essence combinations after each session
As part of each Flower Essence Therapy session you will receive three dropper bottles containing the same combination formula.
With three bottles you have a generous supply that is expected to last a number of weeks: you have enough to be taking your essences several times a day, every day, for at least 5 to 6 weeks. Or, if you find yourself wanting to take them very frequently, each bottle may last around 10 days.
You may start by using one of your bottles and keeping the other ones as replacement bottles. Or, you can place one of your bottles by your bedside, carry another one in your purse or pack, and place the third one in a convenient location so you may remember to take them frequently.
Feel free to choose whatever way suits you best.
In case you also ordered a Spray bottle, for external use
Your personal blue spray bottle has flower essences and a blend of pure essential oils, specially selected to add their therapeutic qualities when in combination with the essences chosen.

You may use your spray twice a day or more often.
Mist lightly over your head and allow it to shower over your energy field.
What to expect when taking your flower essences
Some individuals are very sensitive and resonant to subtle plant medicine and others don’t notice changes so clearly. The level of awareness of the effects varies, but overall, people do notice changes in the way they feel, especially in the areas specifically related to the issues they chose to work on.
Can it get worse before it gets better? Is this part of the process?
Take note of your feelings and emotions. You may become more aware of some issues, as if they have intensified after you first begin to use a formula. This may happen or not, and if it does, it can be part of what we call an awareness crisis. As you process the issues, with the help of journaling, meditation and other practices, and persevere in taking your essences, it is very likely that you will gradually feel the movement towards shifts, desired changes and integration.
Preserving your essence combination
It is fine to carry your essences in your purse or pack, but for the sake of conservation of this diluted solution, avoid lengthy exposure to excessive heat. And keep your extra bottles in a cool dry place.
Duration of a cycle with one same flower essence formula
The combination of essences chosen during a consultation is designed to be used for a period of around 8 weeks, but this will vary depending on how quickly you go through them, what themes you are working on and the overall journey you are in.
If you feel inclined to take them more frequently and one set of bottles has been used over a short period of time, you may request more bottles of the same formula to enjoy the deepening of the effects.
After two months or more, you will benefit from having another consultation and a new fresh combination of essences, to support your movement towards greater alignment and vibrancy!