Extremely effective as a process that helps you find greater inner cohesion and clarity, Voice Dialogue – a method created by Hal and Sidra Stone – brings enhanced awareness of the different parts of your psyche, the role that these “parts” are playing, and what they would like to say to you.
In a few Voice Dialogue sessions, you can playfully discover more about your internal “operational system”, and how to master the intensity of different “voices” that are acting from within. But this is only the beginning!
The effectiveness of a sequence of Voice Dialogue sessions
Through a series of Voice Dialogue sessions, you can meet and gain perspective on your Inner Critic and other Protector voices, main Primary parts, as well as creative and passionate parts of your psyche. Going deeper, we will access inner child and wounded parts and their protectors, in ways that help us feel these parts have finally been heard, and can now be integrated in a whole new way.
Voice Dialogue is a dynamic process, that naturally leads to greater inner harmony.
Voice Dialogue (or “Parts work”) sessions
for clarity, awareness, transformation and renewed integration
- Discover the dynamics of you internal “operational system”
- Listen and discover the deeper purpose of relevant inner “voices”
- Honor and appreciate the unique design and dynamics of your psyche
- Gain insight on the history and service of your inner “parts”
- Master the intensity and modulate the “volume” of different “inner voices”
- Experience deep connection and healing of wounded inner child parts
- Enjoy the resulting re-integration, for greater internal harmony
- Series of sequential sessions produce the best results
- For each session, we focus on themes of your choice
- Individual sessions of 75 minutes cost $125
- Packages of 4 sessions cost $450
Emotional Healing unfolds effectively within the safety and trust of sane human connection
While much healing and transformation can be experienced through attending courses, reading, journaling and doing our own inner work, I have come to understand that there are levels of healing that will only progress and unfold effectively within the safety, and trust, of sane human connection.
For many of us, initial life experiences and emotional bonding have not provided us with this fundamental foundation of safety and trust. Throughout our lives, we continue functioning with activated “survival patterns” that have come into play early on, until a time comes when we reach a limit of dealing with the draining of energy resulting from these patterns. This is when we are ready for transformation!
For this, it is crucial to count on the safety and trust of sane human connection, combined with precise ways of approaching and unraveling our deeply ingrained patterns. The precision of the process, within this container of warmth and trust, unfolds in a steady and well anchored way. It is real: deep transformation is possible.

It is my Purpose, in this lifetime, to provide – and literally become – a space of trust that allows for these levels of deep alchemical healing. Flower Essence Therapy combined with Voice Dialogue, allows for potentized transformational processes that I am honored to offer, at this time, as separate individual sessions as well as structured sequential programs.
Voice Dialogue is now part of my different programs and processes
Through this fascinating and super intensive training, my ability to facilitate Voice Dialogue processes has been enabled and anchored for life!
What I have learned from experiencing Voice Dialogue as part of my own healing process, as well as what I constantly learn from using Voice Dialogue as a facilitator, has enriched my understanding of the workings of our psyche and of our inner processes of transformation.
Voice Dialogue has changed the way I work through longer processes, and, because of its depth and effectiveness, it has become part of my approach in the longer term processes that I now offer in more structured ways.
In this page, you will find a listing of all my offerings.
Below, transcribed text of the above video on Voice Dialogue
Ruth – Do you have the experience of having different voices in your head like: “There’s a part of me that thinks I should do this, but there’s another part of me that really doesn’t want to do it? That is such an everyday experience for most of us, and the fact is, we now know that this is the reality, that we actually do have these different parts within us, and even within our own brain, that are actually busy with specific activities and specific roles that they play for us. So, you’re familiar with that, but oftentimes you don’t know what to do with that and, you often want certain voices to shut up and go away, which they won’t, by the way.
Usually, what happens is we are not curious and we don’t really learn with these voices. And so we go on living with different parts of ourselves having their different agenda, but not working together in a more effective way.
Well, there are ways to work through that, that can be actually fascinating and quite playful. And Voice Dialogue is one of those.
What happens with Voice Dialogue is we actually create a situation, in an 1:1 session, in which the facilitator, in this case me, will interview a voice within you, and then another voice within you, and we’re going to go and really listen to what that voice has to say. And we are actually going to find out since when it’s been there helping us, and what is its intention, what does it want for us. And, is that the only way it can do that? Is it wanting to convey a certain message to us, and so on and so forth.
And what happens is, from just the fact that we’ve been willing to listen to these voices within us, we get so much insight. And some of these parts of ourselves, they even transform naturally, as a result of having been heard, having been included, having being honored. And, they are often even willing to try some other role, or some other way of helping you.
So, there are some details on how this works and how we do it, and what I like the most about it is that it can be playful, and light, while at the same time very deep, moving and transformational. Now George, I would love to hear and answer your questions if you have any on that.
George – Hi Ruth. I’m wondering if you can give any examples of what kinds of voices these might be? Someone might be. sure. Yeah.
Ruth – That’s a very good question. Well for one thing, most people have a major protector part that kind of holds things together, and we usually first talk with that part to get permission to begin the whole process. Most of us have an inner critic, do you know that? Do you have any experience with that? We may also have an inner taskmaster, we probably also have some kind of inner pleaser, let’s say, and it goes on and on from there.
George – [00:05:07] Great. And can you say, let’s see, Tamara was I was wondering if you know whether or how this is related to Gestalt therapy?
Ruth – [00:05:22] As far as the origins of Voice Dialogue itself, it was created – this particular protocol and technique – was created by a couple cold Hal and Sidra Stone. And they are now in their 80s or 90s and they set up the foundation of this method. They were both related to different approaches of therapy, including Jungian therapy. And, what they did, which I love, is they decided that nobody was going to certify anyone in this method. They kept it all “Open Source” and free, so people can teach it, people can use it, and no one is the owner of the method, which is great. And it does have some relation to Gestalt, yes, but it also has connections with Jungian therapy, for instance. There are certain voices within us that can be Archetypal voices, certain voices within us can also be transpersonal.
George – [00:06:38] Sharon Rosen wrote here that she’s experienced it and she knows it’s different from Gestalt. Ilse has a question: are all voices constructive?
Ruth [00:06:48] Oh no, not really. And yet, even the ones that are destructive, if we interview them and try to discover what their intention is, it’s oftentimes the case that they’re trying to keep us away from harm, in some kind of weird way. So it’s true that some internal voices can be very, kind of, oppressive and also they do create blockages within us, but there’s often a reason and it’s a wonderful thing to go in, dialogue and discover, and really listen to them. It’s fascinating.
George – [00:07:43] Great, and Octavia’s question is: do you find that a voice changes to something constructive after just one session?
Ruth – [00:07:52] Of course, it really depends, because different parts of us have been created for different reasons, and for different functions, and depending on how ingrained that part is, in the way our system works, the process of transformation and change can be different. It can vary. And it also very much depends on how the person is doing as far as their own self-awareness, and inner a work, and readiness for transformation. So it varies a lot but there certainly is a resulting different coalescing of the parts, after they have been able to express themselves and after they’ve been really truly heard.
George – [00:08:53] How can people find out more and work with you?
Ruth – [00:08:58] Well, I use Voice Dialogue as one of the techniques for processing. It can be part of a package of a series of sessions. I’m still writing the page about it, it will soon be out. But also, this technique is one that I’ve been using in my other programs and packages, like the Inner Marriage Journey is one that I’m using the flower essence work and also Voice Dialogue. And so through that process, the person is going to discover all these different parts within themselves, that represent different aspects of the Feminine, of the Masculine, and how they relate to each other. And there is a whole potential of awareness and transformation as a result.
George – [00:09:59] Thank you Ruth.
Ruth – [00:10:27] Thank you everyone for allowing me to rehearse this. This is really my first time bringing this out in public in this way.