The solid experience I have gathered allows me to help clients identify and transform underlying patterns blocking relationships, self image or how they stand in the world.
When old patterns, emotional wounding, is holding us back
Growing our Presence to full stature, stepping up to greater exposure, is very likely to trigger patterns related to our early wounds. Our wounds have been our teachers, playing a central role in enabling in us the crucial skills required for our Purpose. But there comes a time when their charge blocks our movement forward.
Meeting these blockages in ways that effectively transform core patterns, and nurturing a new and emboldened alignment, helps us embody our Purpose more fully and fluently. This journey includes Flower Essence catalyzers, Voice Dialogue sessions and the understanding of your assets, revealed in your Astrological chart.
Something may be blocking your movement forward
I have worked with many individuals who have reached a stage in their journey in which they experience the good results of their inner work and personal development. For the most part, they feel empowered and ready!
They feel it is time for greater visibility, they feel called to offer their gifts to the world and know there are people waiting for what they have to offer.
They may just need a “tweaking” to really get into the right flow. Or they need to work on remnants of underlying patterns, where conflicting inner currents may be preventing a unified flow towards the manifestation of their Purpose and success.
When I first met with Ruth, it was very clear that she has an extraordinary ability to sort through my complexities, getting to the essence of what was going on with me, to support me with exactly what I needed to take myself to the next level.
The flower essences that she organized for me contained over (20?) essences in it, and when she broke it down for me, it was amazing how precisely she was able to organize these essences into a formula that really resonated with me, where I was, and where I was heading.
Jason Schneider – NLP Educator, Florida, USA
My greatest strength is helping to identify the deep dynamics of underlying patterns, and catalyze the transformation of beliefs, attitudes and habits, bringing newfound integration and renewed forces, so life can evolve and flourish to the next stage.
My tools are Flower Essence Therapy, Voice Dialogue and True Purpose Coaching.

Transmute Core Patterns, stand in Full Presence
While at times you are fully in the vibrancy of your empowered alignment, there are moments that you fall back into old modes, almost like a step down. You yearn to stabilize and fully embody your new state, sustaining a vibrant Presence to be effective in both being and doing.
As your success unfolds, you also may need to grow a more spacious and potent energy field, to hold space for inspiring and motivating larger audiences.
Let’s get to work (and play) on configuring this fuller alignment!
What is part of this transformative Journey:
Alchemically Transmuting Patterns
You may have elaborated mentally and processed emotionally several of these pieces. However, when someone who cares holds the bigger picture in comprehensive ways, and supports you in seeing the systemic dynamics of what is at play, underlying patterns and their elements can be grasped with more clarity.
As your Mentor in this Journey, I am exceptionally good at listening and detecting patterns with precision. And translating these into targetely applied practices, Flower Essence support, effective “parts work” and practical advice.
And, because I have so much experience and know the stages of the process, I encourage you through effective healing and you feel movement really happening.
The combination of ways we work together:
Our work happens in two different formats: Flower Essence Therapy sessions – one every 8 to 10 weeks – in which we clarify, with precision, patterns that you are ready to transform and the new configurations you want to embody. Nature forces, through the flower essences, will help catalyze changes.
And, in the time in between those sessions, Voice Dialogue Sessions will provide powerful processing and integration.
Going Deep and Expanding Alignment
Reaching the very roots where old patterns reside
Yes, you have already worked on this many times. But this is different: to fully integrate the inner work you have already done, this time you will do it receiving support from Nature, to alchemically embrace the roots of your core issues.
Subtle structures served our “survival mechanisms”
To adjust to our environment and survive early challenges, we have built energy structures that are still configured, even while they have become obsolete. The plant world, that knows all about change, recycling and recreation, holds Archetypal healing offerings that help us transform these structures into renewed form.
Transmuting imprints from an abusive or traumatic past
Here is one example: a person that has gone through an abusive upbringing, has carried deep inside a feeling of not being worthy. And, to this day, while knowing this was not true, this person still holds that feeling of being tainted, of having that dark stigma of “there is something wrong with me”.

Some of these patterns may have been imprinted in early childhood and pre verbal periods. Others may be rooted in ancient family patterns.
It is time to allow deep inner healing by embracing ourselves with fully encompassing, potent love, while taking in Alchemical templates of renewal.
Continuity allows for deep alchemy
Once you experience this process of transformation, you know it is worth maintaining regularity for a period of time, so you can incrementally embody lasting results.
Well structured continuity provides a paced rhythm that will support your movement from where you are now, into newly empowered alignment: you will gradually embody the changes you have been yearning for.
I have been working with Ruth since 2008: through Flower Essence Therapy she has been mentoring me on my journey, helping me understand myself and my path.
At first, she helped me see attitudes I held that were repetitively producing results that I did not like. Through our sessions and the essences, I became more aware and I began embodying new attitudes. Gradually, my life became more aligned: I was blossoming, finding my space, my inner stillness and my joy in sharing who I am!
I went further in deepening my knowledge about myself and, soon enough, I was interacting with the world in a whole new way. New jobs came my way, as well as new friends and a whole range of fresh life opportunities.
After all these years, whenever I find myself confused, she is the first person I think of to guide me. She is not only extremely sensitive and well learned, but she knows flower essences deeply and has a surprising ability to see the synthesis of a situation. She sees what is important, the central point of focus, and she points to what needs to be looked at and worked on deeply.
Tatiana Toffoli, Film Editor, Producer and Director. São Paulo, Brazil
Being seen and witnessed in your full brilliance
Your calling requires that you embody your full Soul Stature and stand tall in your spacious Luminous Presence, to move further into your Purpose.
For this, someone needs to see you in your full empowered brilliance.
As an experienced Mentor, with 29 years applying this work and following my client’s longer journeys, I serve as a clear mirror that confirms where you are on the Path, acknowledging the journey you have already walked, and giving you precise support to move further, with the confidence of an encouraged heart!
Integrate Inner Journey with Higher Connection
As you move through this process, you will be challenged and inspired to deepen your inner work, while receiving support to expand your alignment and Luminous Presence. Once in this Alignment, you are more fluently informed and supported by Nature, the Earth and Spiritual Guidance, to effectively fulfill your Purpose!
All of my encounters with Ruth were special and remarkable, on what concerns comprehensiveness and depth.
In addition to welcoming us with great love – which we all yearn so much for, especially at critical moments – Ruth leads us to places of great awareness regarding our deepest challenges.
It is wonderful to see how the processes of self-healing are triggered from there … for they generate their own motions and new opportunities in our lives, which go far beyond what we could suppose and expect, by analyzing only the conversations we have.
They are certainly potentialized by the use of the flower essences: the “magic garden of healing” that Ruth knows and presents to us like no one else.
All done with a lot of depth, affection and commitment.
Rewarding experience.Carolina YoungMeditation, Healthy Nutrition Educator, Flower Essence Practitioner, Florianópolis, Brazil
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