It was a profound, alchemical, transformative encounter, the beginning of a sequence of experiences that resulted in the deepest and enduring inner healing I have experienced in my life. All my life I had hoped that this “hole”, that caused so much anxiety, this craving to receive love, would be fulfilled by someone else. But the stories continued to come, in a regular succession one after another, with something in common: my expectations were always frustrated, because what I drew was abandonment and / or mismatch. And I would feel that terrible pain again and again (read more)….
Principles of Flower Essence Therapy
Plant Archetypes: insight and references on living virtues, blueprints for sanity and wholeness
The understanding of the Archetype of each plant happens as we connect with its unique expression. The plant is observed in its dynamic change along its cycles from seed, to bud, to whole plant, to flower (when in that category), to fruit and back to seed. How it relates to the ecosystem it is part, its native origins in the wild.
We observe it on many levels, including its presence in myth and lore and its traditional uses by humans as food, medicine and ritual. When growing healthy, we look at how it relates to the soil and the cosmos and expresses planetary forces, and how it interacts with other plants, its pollinators and other living beings.
The full range of its gesture conveys an Archetypal expression.