As soon as the lecture began, I was transported to a dimension of experience that, at the time, I would not have known how to describe: my eyes started shedding tears that I could not control, and the feeling was one of, on some level, remembering learning situations at another place and time …
Alpine Aster as a guiding Inner Light
This post describes the culmination of a long Journey of Flower Essence Therapy, with the Alpine Aster flower essence leading my client’s Soul as a guiding light, strengthening her Spirit Self through the transition of leaving physical incarnation
“In my Spirit, I feel powerful, strong, and energetic. My body just reminds me that I need to tend to it so that my Spirit can soar”…
This is the first of a few excerpts of what my client wrote, sharing with family members and friends how she was, as she moved through the most inspiring and exemplary conscious death.
Shasta Daisy flower essence and the journey of co-creation between humans and plants
The Shasta Daisy flower essence is prepared from this vibrantly white daisy.
Its shape is one of a mandala, with a yellow center composed of many disk flowers following the ordered harmony of the golden rule, a principle that pervades the whole of Nature, as well as the universe of which we are part. This circle of geometric harmony is framed by clear white ray flowers.
What many people don’t know is that this daisy, is in fact a synthesis of many daisies, and this has a lot to do with its qualities as a flower essence. Read the full article to discover the history of this flower and all the facets of the research of this essence by the Flower Essence Society.
Taking my first Flower Essence: learning to listen with Impatiens
Finally, I would not have to just read about them: in May 1988 a visiting friend brought to me, from Holland, my first Bach Flower Essences kit!
I had read so much about them and could not wait to start using them.
I decided to take Impatiens as soon as my kit arrived, and I had a really powerful experience, perhaps the most striking of my entire journey of over 30 years using the essences.
Read more, and share about your own first experiences with the essences…
Spreading Phlox – a Plant Archetype that supports Connection with Soul Family and Community
Are you connected on a Heart and Soul level with Soul Family in ways that you feel truly support your Soul Purpose? Or do you still yearn for that? Have you gravitated towards, and drawn into your life, people who are in the same frequency as you are, with whom you can have deeply inspiring […]
Self criticism and how we often find ourselves feeding repetitive thoughts that hurt us
Let’s admit: we all have this, even the ones who act as if they trust they are the best people in the world. These negative thoughts are denser lines of thought / feeling, that divide us internally, making us feel separate from the Source of Love. And the reality is, they cut us off from the awareness of the web of Love that is always holding and weaving us together in Oneness.
It is not you, or me, but it is how our brains have evolved: when not fully focused on specific activities, our minds tend to wander into “what may be wrong”, either now, in the future or in the past (read more)….