One of the first to enter the room, I sat at the corner, first row, right in front of Patricia Kaminski. This was the first time I was meeting her in person, and little did I know of all there was to come.
As soon as the lecture began, I was transported to a dimension of experience that, at the time, I would not have known how to describe: my eyes started shedding tears that I could not control, and the feeling was one of, on some level, remembering learning situations at another place and time …
The Language of the Essences led me through dark times
During the two years that preceded this moment, the regular reading of the FES Flowers Essences Repertory (first edition, 1989) had provided crucial guidance for my personal healing journey. I had gone through a long period of painful separation, death and loss. More than anything, a period of honest confrontation with my own inner issues and shadow aspects. Day by day, by looking and probing deeply into my emotions and relationship patterns, aided by the wisdom of the messages of the Flower Essences, I was able to confront my own part in all I had been going through, embrace all sides with forgiveness, gradually moving through effective transformation.
On that day, like an initiate of times past, I began to understand the greater dimension of Flower Essence Therapy
But it was only there, at the II Conference of Flower Essences in Canada in 1991, when I attended the first lecture with my teacher and ongoing mentor Patricia Kaminski, and now colleague, that I came to understand the greater dimension of Flower Essence Therapy.

Flowers and their Essences: Living Archetypes of Nature, prompting the Evolutionary potential of the Human Soul
Each plant has a unique expression that enters highlighted manifestation when blossoming, Patricia was saying, showing us images that illustrated unique archetypes of featured plants unfolding into flower. Her narrative interwove the mythological presence of the Greek goddess Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, who bridged heaven and earth, sharing the wisdom of the gods with humans, with how the Iris and other flowers, through their essences, reconnect the human soul with its Divine aspects, bringing back the clarity and brilliance of its colors.
Soul Remembering
From that moment onwards, I have carried within me the certainty that those who feel the calling to serve the world with the flower essences, go through a process of Soul Re-Membering as they participate in classes and seminars, having experiences that re-awaken something that has already been there, very deep within them.
It is from this awareness that I have been teaching for the last decades, more and more providing experiences that evoke Soul Re-Membering and awaken the Soul strands within those who follow their calling. It is for me an honor to be a designated teacher, and to represent the FES Practitioner Certification Program.
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