Let’s admit: we all have this, even the ones who act as if they trust they are the best people in the world. These negative thoughts are denser lines of thought / feeling, that divide us internally, making us feel separate from the Source of Love. And the reality is, they cut us off from the awareness of the web of Love that is always holding and weaving us together in Oneness.
It is not you, or me, but it is how our brains have evolved: when not fully focused on specific activities, our minds tend to wander into “what may be wrong”, either now, in the future or in the past (read more)….
heart focus
Heartfelt empathy – Luminous healing waves of Compassion
I held hands with my husband while we watched, our hearts wrenched by the massive collective pain and sorrow. And we saw leaders in the community and country taking the Higher road, focusing on their Love and appreciation for each individual who had died, how these people should be honored and REMEMBERED. Heartwaves of Higher Frequency of Compassion and Love, gently weave people together in times of commotion and sorrow