My husband and I held hands tightly, our hearts wrenched by watching the news on one more mass killing. In the same way as most people across the whole nation, we were touched by the collective pain and sorrow seeing the reports on one more devastating mass murder tragedy.
Focusing on love for the victims and appreciation for the helpers
This time, leaders in the community and country decided to focus on love and appreciation for each individual who had died, and how the community would like these people to BE REMEMBERED.
Also honoring all of those who have helped, rather than investing all the attention on the horror and on the personality of the one who committed this most awful act of cruelty and destruction.
Compassion; instant Connection
At that moment, as I watched, I felt the presence of my daughter Julia, who is in Greece while I am in California. I just knew her heart was with us at this very moment!

Two days later my daughter Julia sent me this e-mail message:
I’m writing you because we read about what happened in Colorado and I want to say I am sending my prayers and am present by your side, I know these pains, even when not directly connected with us, affect us and you who live in this land must feel this even more strongly.
Many kisses, dear mother,
Heartwaves of Higher Frequency of Compassion and Love, gently weave people together in times of commotion and sorrow, and create healing beyond limits of space and time.
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